Saturday, 9 March 2019

Brown Bag Treasures

This week we started sharing items that we brought to school in a brown bag. These are special items to each of us and help us to learn more about ourselves and each other. 

Alex and Ellie proudly told the class lots of things about each of their items. Everyone listened carefully and we are learning to ask questions to find out more information.


  1. Room 10, you are amazing! You are learning such a lot about asking questions and sharing your favourite things. What a great way to learn about your new class mates.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Brown bag oral language is a great way to find out about our friends in our class. I wonder what Alexander is holding? I can see that Ellie has a Disney princess dress. I look forward to finding out what other friends in Room 10 bring.

  3. Great work Room 10. It's important to learn how to listen to each other and ask questions to get more information. Keep shining!
