Sunday 10 November 2019

Monarch Caterpillars

We were very lucky last week because Alex and his father brought three caterpillars to school for us. 
We watched them nibbling the swan plant leaves that they were crawling on.
Then one of them started hanging upside down. It was getting ready to turn into a chrysalis. 
When we came back to school the next morning we saw that it was a beautiful chrysalis. 
Then the other two caterpillars started hanging upside down as well. 
We watched them really carefully, hoping to see them change into a chrysalis. However, they both changed when we weren't looking. 
By the end of the day we had two more chrysalises. 

Now we are counting the days until the butterflies emerge. 
Thanks Alex for sharing your caterpillars with us.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Trying Out the New Bike Track

On Friday we brought our bikes and scooters to school so we could try out the new bike track. We wheeled and scooted up and down and around the bends. We can't wait to use the bike track again. What a great thing this is to have at our school. Look at all the photos of us having fun.