Sunday 28 July 2019

100 Days at School

On Friday, we were very excited to celebrate our 100th day at school this year. We have been counting and recording the days every day and we finally made it to 100.

Mila's mum helped us make 100 days headbands.

Then we made fairy bread with hundreds and thousands. It was delicious to eat for morning tea.

We had a fitness challenge to complete ten exercises, ten times. Ten groups of ten is 100. 
Here we are doing ten star jumps.
We estimated how far we would be if we walked 100 steps from our classroom. 100 steps took us to the field - not to the beach or our homes.
Another activity was estimating which container had 100 beads. We all thought container B had 100 beads because it had the most. But when we counted the beads we discovered it actually had 324 beads. Container A had 100. 

Another estimation activity was to estimate which bag had 100 objects or not. We found out that they all had 100 objects but they all looked different.
We had some 100 piece jigsaw puzzles to do throughout the day. We were very proud to complete them.
 We loved celebrating being at school for 100 days so far this year.