Friday, 29 March 2019

Our Trip to Te Tahawai Marae

What a great day we had on Thursday when we visited the Te Tahawai marae at Edgewater College. Alex showed mana when he confidently presented his mihi and we all showed respect. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful carvings, tukutuku panels and kowhaiwhai patterns and we learned many things about being on a marae. 


  1. Wow! Alex! What an amazing memory for you to have, speaking on behalf of Sunnyhills School at the Marae! Well done. You all showed respect and learned so much. Ka Pai!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Hope you had fun!

  3. I love visiting Te Tahawai Marae. The tukutuku panels and the carvings are my favourite part. What was your favourite part of the meeting house?
