Friday, 29 March 2019

Our Trip to Te Tahawai Marae

What a great day we had on Thursday when we visited the Te Tahawai marae at Edgewater College. Alex showed mana when he confidently presented his mihi and we all showed respect. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful carvings, tukutuku panels and kowhaiwhai patterns and we learned many things about being on a marae. 

Friday, 22 March 2019


What a way to end the week! Not only did Frida get an award at the Whole School Assembly, but Room 10 also won the award for being the best class during the assembly. You are awesome Room 10. Well done!

Being Kind

This week we have talked about being kind. We learned that we can be kind to other people, to our pets and to the environment and other things around us. We can also be kind to ourselves. It was great to feel awesome when we are being kind.

 We wrote about what we do to be kind and drew pictures about being kind.

Keep being kind everyone!

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Learning About Our Families

As part of learning about who we are, where we come from and our place in the world, we have been sharing all about our families. We have found out that some things about our families are the same and some things are different.

Here is some artwork we did about our families. We are so proud of our work. If you are at school, please come and see our pictures on the wall outside our classroom.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Keeping Fit

This week we went to the hall with all the other Year One classes. We got our hearts pumping and bodies moving as we followed directions and moved to music. Just look at us go!

Monday, 11 March 2019

Welcome to Georgina

It was lovely to meet Georgina today and welcome her to Room 10 on her very first day of school.

We are looking forward to doing lots of learning together.

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Brown Bag Treasures

This week we started sharing items that we brought to school in a brown bag. These are special items to each of us and help us to learn more about ourselves and each other. 

Alex and Ellie proudly told the class lots of things about each of their items. Everyone listened carefully and we are learning to ask questions to find out more information.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Visiting the Library

We had our first visit to the school library yesterday. There were so many great books to look at and we all chose a book to take home.

We love books and we enjoyed looking at the books we were interested in. We can keep the books for a week, so there is plenty of time to share them with our family and listen to someone read them to us.