Sunday, 5 May 2019

Making Patterns

During mathematics this week we have been making patterns. We have been learning to make a pattern, continue a pattern and describe a pattern. Understanding and using patterns will help us understand and use number concepts and mathematical operations. This will then lead us into using algebra. 

First of all we made lots of patterns using all sorts of mathematics equipment. 

Next we made patterns by weaving coloured paper. We found that it was really tricky trying to weave the paper. We definitely experienced what it feels like to be in the learning pit. 

But we are good at helping each other in Room 10 so we worked together to complete our weaving. 

We persevered and we finally succeeded. 
Our weaving patterns look very bright displayed on the wall.


  1. You are very clever Room 10. I noticed the weaving display when I came to your room today. Great job. Keep up the hard work.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Good job team, very colorful!

  3. What fun you have had making patterns and learning to describe a pattern. This will help you understand algebra when you get a bit older. I know how tricky trying to weave paper is. I bet you were in the learning pit for a while.
    Your weaving patterns look very bright and colourful.

  4. I know that making patterns is a highlight for many of room 10 learners! Great to see that you can also do weaving too! that is really tricky!
