This week we have been learning about how and why we commemorate Anzac Day.
First we looked at the crosses displayed on the school field. We noticed that the crosses have names on them of people who died in World War One. We also saw the silver fern and poppies on the crosses. We have seen people wearing poppies to remember people who have died in wars.
Mrs Waite's Uncle Ron was a soldier in World War One and she brought some of her Uncle Ron's things to show us. It was so interesting to see his photo, his shaving kit and the special tankard he was given made from brass left over from the ammunition shells.
We listened to a story about a boy and his father going to a Dawn Parade. We learned that people wear poppies on Anzac Day because in World War One poppies grew in the fields where people died. Wearing a poppy helps us to remember that lots of people have died in wars.
We also learned the meanings of some new words:
dawn - means early in the morning when the sun is just beginning to come up
gazed - means to look carefully and thoughtfully at something
So then we worked hard painting pictures of poppies growing in a field. We began by using crayon to draw grass. Then we dyed the paper green. After that had dried we used our fingers to paint the red poppies. It was fun dipping our fingers into the gooey paint. Finally we added the black flower centre and stem by painting with a brush.

We added some writing about what we now know about Anzac Day and they are now displayed on the wall.
It has been a great week of learning and we are happy that we are living in peace.